Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Dancing in the Rain

Psalms 16:11
Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

What would it be like to be in the very presence of God? Have you ever given thought to this? I have most everyday of my life. It seems that my prayer every morning is to be in the presence of God. I long so much to feel the Lord in every area of my life. My prayer many times is... "Lord I want to be so close to you today that I can feel your breath upon my neck as you speak to me."

If I can be honest with you this morning, not everyday is like this. Some days I wake up and feel as if God is miles and miles away from me. I feel like there is a wall between our communication and sometimes there is, but it's always on my end of the line so I deal with confession. But then there are other days that I believe I have everything confessed. I trust that I am seeking Him and walking after Him and the closeness I desire still seems distant. Then I'm reminded that Paul tells us we must walk by faith and not by sight. On these days I trust that He is there even though I may not feel Him through emotions of certain ways that I have in the past days. I still just trust He is there.

Do you understand what I'm saying this morning? Some days I want the sunshine and all I get is rain, but that doesn't take away from God still being God or my desire to be in His presence. When my days are cloudy I try my best to ask God for His presence to be strong in my life. Then through His Word He gives me the strength that I need.

Our scripture this morning says there is joy in the presence of the Lord. God said He would never leave us nor forsake us. He would be there to see us through. When Jesus ascended to Heaven He gave us the Holy Spirit so we would never be without His presence. This is where my joy comes from.

So if it's raining outside and I can't see the sun, I'll just dance in the rain and know that His presence is with me even when I can't see or feel Him. That's faith!

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