Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Same Devil

Matthew 4:1
​Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Have you ever read the scriptures speaking about the temptation of Jesus?  Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the wilderness so that He could be alone and pray. While He was there the Bible says that the tempter came to Him. The tempter is speaking about the devil. How come when we are being led by the Spirit that the devil always comes to ruin things?

If you have time, go and read Matthew 4 this morning. Look at how the devil came unto Jesus. Look at what he tempted Him with. When Jesus was hungry, he tempted Him with a satisfaction of the flesh. Do we know that if Satan was there to tempt Jesus that he will also be there to tempt us? His mission and goal is to get us to fail. He wants us to give in to temptation. Sometimes it is so easy to fall for his temptations.

How did Jesus not cave in to his temptations? Lets look at how He addresses every temptation. You will find the words, "For it is written..." God wrote it down for us to use. Yes the Bible is a learning source but it is also a two edged sword. A defender for our lives. Satan fought with twisted scripture, but Jesus defended with the truth of scripture. Satan came in with self wisdom, but Christ spoke scripture.

How are we to win over Satan? Through the word of God. When Satan speaks his offer of betrayal and lies... You can speak the word of God. When he comes at you over and over, you can speak God's word over and over. And always remember, if he tempted Jesus this way, why wouldn't he choose to do the same unto you? After all, he is the same devil but the Word of God is the same Word!

Letter of Recomendation

Philippians 2:20-22 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are ...