Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Use for Cotton

Proverbs 17:27-28
He that hath knowledge spareth his words:
and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise:
and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

I must immediately tell you this morning that I do not like cotton. It's some kind of phobia. You know the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard or the screeching of a fork gliding across your plate? That's what happens to me when I hold cotton in my hands. Aaaahhh!

When I was a kid, I would get swimmers ear every summer. It seemed like it would come every week in the summer. The pain would get worse and worse. Mainly because I didn't want the dreaded cotton in my ears. When I would go to bed mom would put in the drops and shove that stinking cotton into my ears. (She didn't shove it, just seemed that way to me...)

I know you probably think I'm crazy but I couldn't stand it. I would complain over and over again. My mom would say, "You want it to get better?"  I hated it! There were times she looked as if she was gonna take the cotton balls out of my ears and stuff them in my mouth.

Just the other day, believe this or not, I wished I had some cotton in my ears so that I could have stuffed it into my mouth. Sometimes we all should just be quiet. Truthfully we should just shut our mouths. I desire that excellent spirit our scripture talks about. I am learning more and more daily from God and His Word of how to have this spirit. The Bible teaches me that even a fool is wise when he shuts his mouth. So there is hope for me and you.

Lord please help me to be quiet when I should. Help me to speak when you lead me. Help me not to be a fool that speaks foolishness but help me to close my mouth and wait patiently on you to speak through me. I pray that you never have to take the cotton out of my ears and put in my mouth. I'll be quiet now... in Jesus' name. Amen.

Letter of Recomendation

Philippians 2:20-22 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are ...