Monday, June 4, 2018

A Breath of Fresh Air

2 Timothy 1:16
The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain:

Have you ever had the breath knocked out of you?  That's probably one of the scariest things that could happen to you. Not being able to breathe is so painful and scary all at the same time. How many times have you thanked God for that breath you just took?  The old phrase that goes, "You don't miss your water till your well has run dry" comes to my mind. We aren't very thankful for the air we breath until we find ourselves gasping for it. 

Brother Paul tells us that one man effected him in ministry so much that he says he was like a refresher to his heart. Paul was thankful for a man named Onesiphorus. He said that he had "oft" refreshed him. This means that Onesiphorus impacted Paul's life!  He was someone that when Paul needed help, he was there. When Paul needed encouragement, he was there. When Paul needed prayer, he was there. When Paul needed a shoulder or ear, he was there. Paul was saying that this man was like a breath of fresh air to him. When Paul was gasping for air and there was a man named Onesiphorus to come into his life. 

My grandad, who is with Jesus now, couldn't walk across the room without gasping for air. He had COPD and emphysema. A hard working and tough man, would find himself bowed over struggling to find air. I hated to see this happen!  It would bother me so much that I would begin to cry and pray for his breath to be restored. He would puff the inhaler, and somehow calm down enough to find his breath. 

I see people on a daily basis that are struggling to find air. They're struggling to stay above water. It bothers me so much. I pray everyday that I would be able to be an Onesiphorus. Lord, let me often refresh others when they can't seem to find their breath and thank you Lord for always refreshing me.  

How many times have you thanked those for being there to often refresh you? First of all Jesus, who always refreshes!  Try and thank them today. 

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