Monday, May 14, 2018

Obstacles and Opportunities

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

An obstacle is defined as a thing that blocks one's way, prevents or hinders progress. I know what you are thinking, this could be anything and everything right? Sure it can. Obstacles are things or people who try to get us off the mark and to hinder the work of God in our lives.

An opportunity is defined as a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Could these circumstances be viewed as obstacles? I believe that they can at times. So how do we understand if they are just obstacles that have been placed on the course to trip us up and hinder us or opportunities to grow and honor God?

Is it in how we view them? Obstacles can look very, very big sometimes. So big that we could even stop running or look for a way around them. But what if we looked past the obstacle? What if we set our eyes upon the goal? Then maybe these obstacles could turn into an opportunity. But what if you flipped that around? Can opportunities turn into obstacles? Oh, yes. This is a very difficult subject to discuss because so many think that this is a glass half full or half empty talk. The truth is that in our lives there will be both!

We will have obstacles on the course. We will have opportunities also. Both of these can make, will make, you stronger in the Lord. How? Obstacles will make you depend and draw all of your strength from God. Opportunities will do the same. You see, without Christ you will trip at every obstacle and opportunity. With Christ... nothing, and I mean nothing, will keep you from the finish line.

Thank you Lord for my obstacles and my opportunities. Help me to see you in them both.

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