Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lips of Wisdom

Proverbs 15:7
The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.

This morning, as I read our scripture. I am very thankful for those who have spoken wisdom to my life. As I go through a list of them it makes me smile. Some have spoken very deep truths to my life. Their truth has shaped and molded me in my walk with Jesus Christ. One preacher once told me, "Never let your heart become bitter." Now that may seem simple and maybe not even profound as a philosopher would have said it but to me, it was spot-on wisdom. My dad once said, "If they could have gotten Humpty Dumpty to Jesus, he could have been fixed." Again, that is some of the most truthful and defining wisdom I've ever heard. What is funny to me and makes me smile is that some of those very people on this list, myself included, have said some of the most foolish things I've ever heard also. Which shows me that we are all guilty of speaking wisdom and sometimes foolish words.

Our scripture says that the wise person disperses knowledge. Disperse meaning to distribute or scatter the knowledge of God. It makes me think of the sower who sowed the Word of God. He distributed or scattered it everywhere. The seed that he sowed was not his own seed or his own wisdom, but it was given to him from God. The wisdom that we need to disperse is the Word of God. We can disperse this through writings, actions and etc... But the scripture says our lips need to distribute it.

How often do we end up being like the latter part of this verse? We so often speak foolishly. When we find ourselves speaking foolish stop and ask yourself this question... Am I speaking MY words or are they the words of the Lord? You will find that when you tend to speak from your own wisdom it primarily comes out foolish. But when you speak the wisdom of God, wisdom and knowledge is heard.

Lord, please help me today, not tomorrow or even yesterday, to speak wisdom from these lips you've created. Please put your hand of guidance upon my heart and lips. And as for my foolishness, please continue to allow me to decrease and you increase in my life. Thank you and I love you with all my heart. In Jesus' name... Amen.

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