Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Will

Luke 5:5
And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

As a child I remember arguing with my parents about their rules at home. Things like, going to bed early, bathing, only watching certain television shows. I always thought these things were trivial and should be argued. Staying up late never hurt anyone right?  Bathing only improves on the smell and watching the new television shows just helped me stay in the loop with the crowd. 

My parents could see the potential danger of these things. They knew the aftermath of me staying up all night. My exhaustion and temper would be intolerable. Watching those scary television shows would bring fear and confusion into my mind. Now the bathing thing... They wanted people to be able and be around me. 

Many, many of my arguments were about those things that they knew I needed to do, and even I knew I needed to do, but I still struggled with doing it. On the nights that I just obeyed and showered, went to bed on time and avoided arguing about the tv were the most simple and peaceful nights. 

It has taken time, much time, but I have realized if we will do what Christ asks us then peace can be ours. We wrestle with decisions. We grieve over some of the things that He has commanded. What if we would stop the grieving and the wrestling and do what He has told us?  

Peter, a fisherman by trade, started his statement with, "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing:". In other words, they had fished all night long and caught absolutely nothing. Peter may have thought that nothing was going to change in just a moment of hours. But Jesus knew better than that. Peter may have known how to fish, but Jesus is the creator of those fish. He knew if Peter would just obey that he would reap the blessing. 

Is The Lord trying to tell you to do something? Are you struggling just to listen to Him? Notice something with me this morning that God shows. Peter argued with the reason of throwing the net but He obeyed in the decision. Although there were others with Peter and Jesus, Peter said, "at thy word, I will let down the net". It wasn't a "we" decision, but a personal decision. What will you decide today?  The choice to obey is yours alone. It may affect others around you, but it will still be your decision. Say it with me..."At your a word Lord, I will". 

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