Monday, February 12, 2018

Walking On Crutches

John 15:4
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Quick information, fast answers and Google are dangerous today. Not to mention Wikipedia and Many of us today have become scholars because of our fast access to information through our smart phones. When someone asks a question an almost instant typing fest begins. People searching on Google or Internet search engines as fast as they can. Ready to give that answer, even if it's wrong. 

This attitude is bleeding into the Christian life also. Someone asks a question concerning the Bible and people reach for the phone. Or better yet, they reach for a study Bible instead of studying the Bible. They search commentaries instead of asking the Holy Spirit. Don't get me wrong, these resources are great and needed, but they should not be the crutches which we lean upon. They should be helps with our studies and not our source of studies. 

In this same manner, Christians have made church, music, styles, preachers, youth groups, events, etc...our source. When our source, and only source is Jesus!  These others are great resources for the life of a Christian. Music heals the soul, preaching feeds the soul, events excite the soul, but only Christ can satisfy the soul. He is our source!  

Let me show you something... Take Jesus (our source) from church, music, styles, preachers, youth groups, events, etc...(our resources) and what will you have?  Take scripture from your study Bible and what will you have? A book of mans thoughts concerning the Word of God. Remember, I'm not saying these things are wrong at all, they are just not the source. Take study notes from the study Bibles and what will you have? The Word of God. Don't get so engulfed by the resources. 

Our source is Jesus Christ. There is no other!

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