Friday, January 19, 2018

Reacting VS Responding

Exodus 19:7-8
And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord.

When the man of God preaches the words of God, what do you do?  Did you fumble through a hymn book?  Did you clip your nails? Maybe catch up on some Bible study time?  Or did you listen with the Spirit of God and respond?

When we hear God and His word it asks for us to respond, not react!  Some will react by getting angry and turning their ears and heart off. Some will even react with emotions, jump up and shout but then fizzle out like an old soft drink. God's word leads us to respond. Responding is an emotional heart search that leads to an action. Responding is faith in action. When these people heard the word of God something happened. First, they all came together. Then they all answered together. Look at their response to the word of God...

"All that The Lord hath spoken we will do."  Now we can continue to read about the children of Israel and see that some of the people said this out of reaction to their emotions. We see it because they went away from this promise shortly after they made it. It's because they reacted instead of responding. 

Lastly, to our Moses' (preachers of the word), maybe people react to the message because you just skim through what God has told you and you're not giving it all. Maybe because you only give the emotional part of the message is their reason of reacting. God's words are sometimes tough for the speaker and the hearer, but what are we sharing if we only share what we want and not what God says?

Think if Moses told everyone that it was going to be simple and easy. That there would always be a banquet to feast on and roses to walk on. God says it will be tough and I require obedience from my children, but know this... I love you and I will be there every step of the way. 

What did you take from God's word? How did you respond? Let Him hear your answer right now. 

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