Friday, December 15, 2017

Thank You For Praying

Colossians 1:3
We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

This morning let's stop and take the time to be thankful. As you think of it, what are some of the things that you are thankful for? It could be your health, family, friends, etc... Isn't it funny how when you stop yourself and take an evaluation, you can find many things to be thankful for? What’s really cool is that most of these things we think of we take for granted most everyday of our lives.

Have you ever thought of being thankful for that breath of air you just inhaled? Think of how it came in through the nose and throat, down into your lungs, through the different branches that changed the air oxygen into the liquid oxygen that is needed for your blood cells to operate. Then the blood transfers the oxygen into the energy that is needed to think or function. Just in that one breath of air we can be thankful for so much.

Today I am thankful for prayers. Prayers that were offered for a young teenage boy who was lost and living in sin by his mother and daddy. Prayers for this teenage boy who was in the altar giving his life to Jesus. Prayers that were asked by men of God over a young saved man who surrendered his life to the call of preaching. Prayers that were prayed for a traveling evangelist, that God would give him souls for his labor. Prayers over a young couple that knew God had given them something special when He put them together in marriage. Prayers from a wife over her husband as he leads the home and also the church in the direction God would have them to go. Prayers from two great sons that see the heart of their dad hurting for people to know Jesus.

Isn't it amazing? We take for granted all those breaths of air. We also take for granted all those prayers of the saints. All I know today is that... I am thankful! In my thanks unto God, I offer my prayers for all of you that read this today. Thank you also for all prayers you have prayed for this man.

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