Thursday, November 2, 2017

I Know, It’s Crazy Awesome!

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I have always found it one of the most remarkable things about being the the family of God. I have seen it beside the casket of a loved one. I have seen it beside the hospital bed of a spouse. I have seen it on a road out in the middle of the path of a tornado that has destroyed everything a family had on this earth. It's called peace.

Now we have to understand that when the world tries to describe peace it really comes short of what we are talking about today. Their definition is a calming attitude or place of quietness, but God's definition goes much, much deeper than this answer.

Our scripture this morning says that the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keeps our hearts and minds through Jesus. That may seem simple in its description but if we look closely we can see it a little clearer.

First of all it's God's peace that He gives us. It isn't some man-made or store-bought peace. It isn't found in a newspaper or magazine. It isn't drank or ingested, no it's God given. Second, it is something that we could never wrap our minds around. Every time we attempt to explain it we come short. It is so great of a peace that we have no idea how it works. We only know where it came from. Third, it has great capabilities of keeping our hearts and our minds. Although our hearts (spirit within) knows and trusts in God, our minds could be going in a hundred directions. But there again is that peace that keeps both of them established. Lastly, I told you that it was God given. It is given through His Son Jesus Christ.

The only real peace that I have dear Lord is in YOU!  I know, It's Crazy Awesome!

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