Tuesday, September 26, 2017

What a Hothead

Proverbs 14:17
He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly:...

Most of our ugliest moments in sin come from anger. Anger that is immediate or anger that is not dealt with. It's almost like a lion waiting to pounce at times. It lies there dormant and still until the right moment or the right conditions. It strikes with such force and passion that we say things like, "I didn't see that coming..." or "I can't believe I acted like that..." My absolute hated line I've used is, "I'm so sorry I said that.  I don't know where that came from."

Did you notice the scripture and how it tells us "soon angry"? Anger in itself is not sin or sinful. It can actually be a great driving force against evil and sin. Imagine the engine in your car. There you sit holding a steering wheel in your hand while a fireball is just feet in front of you. But the combustion fireball is controlled and contained. It's fiery force sends the power to the transmission and transfers that to the wheels. If it were not for the fireball you would be walking. The Bible even tells us to be angry and sin not.

But this scripture speaks of someone who is angered easily. A fireball that is quick and out of control. Everything said or done brings anger to them and they will deal with others foolishly. How can this change? Take the anger that is suppressed or hidden and deal with it. Don't be quick to react, but rather respond. Ask God to let the mind of Christ be in you.

Pray it with me this morning... Lord you know me better than anyone. You know my faults and my quickness to anger. Please forgive me and help me to learn better. Let my anger, if any, be controlled by your righteousness. In Jesus name... Amen

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