Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Way Too Common...

Acts 2:44
And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

Common means shared by, coming from, or done by more than one. Our scripture this morning says that the first century church had all things common or together. They pooled their resources together and sold their goods because they thought the kingdom of God was coming immediately. These people shared their food as well as their struggles with one another. All things were common to them.

A few years ago I heard a testimony of a friend about he and his wife losing their baby to a miscarriage. Although I'm sure the doctor didn't mean any implications of unconcern, the doctor made a statement of it being a common thing. Something that happens often to young couples and mothers. My friend said, "It is maybe a common thing, until it happens to you." How true a statement! The sad truth is that we don't become concerned about something until it happens to us.

Years of war could go by overseas and no one becomes concerned but when our homeland is struck then it's not so common. Death happens around us all the time but it's blow of grief doesn't burden us until it strikes our family. Sin has become one of those things that happens more and more common today. It is openly paraded in our world, nation and God forbid even through our Christian churches. It is not something new, it is common, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't drive us to our knees in weeping prayer.

Sin has become so common today that maybe you are no longer effected by it. Maybe murder, abortion, rape, adultery, lies, theft, hate, and other common sins no longer tug at your heart. I remember, and also read in the Word of God, where people used to come before God weeping about the sinful condition of their world, nation, family and church. I'm afraid that sin has become so common that it's hard to even find the ones who will weep for the sin that they themselves have committed, much less the sins of others. Is it really that common to you today?

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Letter of Recomendation

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