Friday, August 4, 2017

Hide and Seek

Jeremiah 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

When we were kids our favorite game to play was hide and seek. We especially loved to play it when it had gotten dark outside. It was much easier for a chubby kid as myself to hide in the dark. I can remember all the counters leaning against a tree with their eyes closed and counting out loud. "1...2...3...4...5...20...21...22...25...Ready or not, here I come!" Then the search began. Around the sides of the house we would run. Scanning everywhere for a the ones that were hiding. Stopping every now and then to listen for the giggles of those who just couldn't be quiet. We would always stay close to the counting tree though because it was base and eventually those hiding would have to make it to the tree in order to be safe.

Maybe this morning you have leaned against the tree, counted out your prayers and now you are seeking for God. Let me tell you that He is not hiding. He has told us this morning that we shall seek Him, and FIND HIM. God has given you a promise. A promise is His commitment. It's His word and He will keep it. But don't just stop at the beginning of our scripture. Look at the most important part, which is at the end. "...when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Do you remember those kids who played hide and seek with you that would count, look for a minute or two, and then give up to go in the house? They wouldn't seek for us. They would love for you to seek them. They could hide forever, but when it came their time to count and come find you they would quit. Seemed like they always wanted to make up another game when they had to seek. Their hearts weren't in it. Maybe because the seeking part of the game was difficult or took effort.

You have closed your eyes, prayed your prayer, and now you wait for God to stick His head out and say, "I'm right here, do this...." What about seeking Him and the answer in His Word? Are you seeking Him with all your heart? Seriously, all of it? Or is that just too difficult and you want to change the rules up? God has given you a promise and it says that when you seek Him that you will find Him, when you seek Him with all your heart. My joy today is knowing that God isn't hiding from me! When I seek Him, He is found.

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