Monday, July 31, 2017

Greener Pastures

Ecclesiastes 6:9
Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit.

"The grass is greener on the other side..." I'm sure that you have heard this statement many times throughout your life. Without being rude or uncouth let me tell you that in all pastures, there are cow patties. Satan would love for you to think that something else is always better. Listen to me this morning, If you are a child of God and have been saved by your Savior Jesus Christ, what could be better?

One of the saddest things I've read in scripture is how Jesus told the Pharisee's that if they have known the Father that they should know Him. If they had seen Him then they have seen the Father because they two are one. What is so sad is that they couldn't even see Him. Why? Because they were looking for something better. They were looking for a greener pasture. Surely this man, Jesus, couldn't be the one they looked for. One man said, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Sad isn't it? There stood the very Son of God, the Lamb and Savior of the world right in front of them and they couldn't see it.

Our scripture told us today that better is the sight of our eyes than the wandering of desire. In other words, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. What we have in our lives is so much better than what we think we deserve or desire. Stop this morning and praise God for the blessings that you have. You may say, "How can I do that? You don't know my situation." You're right! I don't know your pasture and you don't know mine. At the same time, you don't want my pasture and I don't want yours.

How can we praise God in our small pasture, our hard dirt pasture, our dry pasture, our pasture filled with holes? How do you know yours is small, hard, dry or filled with holes? It's because you have been looking at other's pasture. Why are you comparing your life with theirs? Praise Him today for YOUR life. Problems, yes... Hardness, yes... Dryness, yes... Holes, yes... But God help me today to praise You and You alone. For I know that no matter what, You are with me. God I don't want another pasture or field, I want You to walk with me through this one.

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