Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Eight Minutes of Fireworks

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Don't you just love watching the firework shows during our Independence Day celebrations? The other day our church celebrated it together. We had hot dogs, drinks, chips, etc... We had football and fellowship. But our first thing was having prayer time together. We gathered around the local ball field and prayed for our churches, community and our country. Seeking God together and calling upon His name. Then the time came... Fireworks!

This was the first time that we had a celebration firework show together. It was great! As the song, "Let Freedom Ring" was playing those fireworks were zooming into the air and exploding with a loud bang. The lights that came from the fiery explosions were beautiful with color. One after another the fireworks exploded and you could hear the children, and some of the adults, ooohhhing and aaahhhhing. It put everyone into excitement. It is a reminder of those who have fought for our freedoms and the privilege to pray for our soldiers today. At the end of it all everyone clapped and yelled in enthusiasm.

This got me to thinking of this scripture. We read about the grass withering and the flowers fading. During this time of year in Alabama we cut our lawns only to have that summer shower hit it in the evening hours and by the next morning the grass has shot up two inches. Just like those fireworks, some that are professing Christ today are jumping up in excitement ready to explode and after they do.......... nothing. In eight minutes the firework show was over. Excitement and explosion for eight minutes and then nothing. Have you ever seen a firework explode and then light it again to do the same thing? No. Have you ever lit a match, blow it out, and then light it again? No. It only does it once. The same with the fireworks.

God has not called us to be firework Christians. No, He has called you to be a light unto the world. Think of the stars... Everyone wants to be the shooting star, but what about the star that just continually gives off its light? Don't pray that God make you a firework that is exciting and filled with explosive enthusiasm this morning. Pray that God make you a light in a dark world. Pray to be the consistent star that shines glory unto God. Why? Because grass withers, flowers fade, but the Word of God will stand forever. Fireworks explode, stars shoot, but a true Child of God shines forever.

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