Monday, June 26, 2017

God is Good

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

If you have the time this morning go back and read this whole chapter. You will understand that God is about to send judgment upon Ninevah. This message was not one of coming judgment to Ninevah, but it was a message of hope to Judah. Ninevah was evil and gruesome in their sins. They would impale people and leave them out in the sun to burn. Wickedness was very, very rampant in their city.

What is amazing about this scripture is that during this time Ninevah was at their peak. They were the strongest that they had ever been before. No one thought that this city would ever be overthrown. But when God's judgment fell upon them the ruins of this city weren't found until the 1800's. Their sins were no longer overlooked, but now God sought justice and destroyed the city and its wickedness.

Then all of the sudden, right in the middle of the scriptures, God gives us this verse... "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him." When we as a nation have sinned and become sickened and twisted with our wickedness by the seconds always remember that the Lord is good. I know a friend of mine who used to stand in church and say, "God is Good." The crowd would always answer back with, "All the Time." In a situation much like Ninevah, we are strong and at the peak of our game as a nation. But just like Ninevah, we are riddled with sin. Not just sinful people but sinful people that are rejoicing in sin. Promoting and praising the acts of sin. You think as you read that I'm speaking of those who are lost alone, but no, no, no, it's very prevalent in the church as well. Some think that judgment will never come, but they are wrong. God will have justice.

But remember Christian's... God is good. He is a STRONG hold in the day of trouble. He knows who is trusting in Him. Hold on to the unchanging hand of Christ. Let the Lord judge you now in your sins that Jesus paid for on the cross. Don't wait until the final judgment day where you will die in your sins without Jesus.

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