Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Strawberry Jelly and Mustard

Psalms 34:8
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

Have you ever said or done something that was done in poor taste? I certainly have. A few days ago someone showed me a picture of a shirt from a well know company. In the attempts to possibly honor the military as well as offer a basketball shirt, this company produced a shirt that had a few basketball players raising the goal up as if it was similar to those men who raised the American flag over Iwo Jima. Now I understand that some people became irate about this shirt and demanded that it be taken off of the shelves, which is what I believe should have happened. But also many, many people went to the point of saying that they would never buy anything from this company again.

If this company would have made a statement of "we know what the shirt implies and we are against war and America" then yes they should be boycotted. But what if this truly was a matter of poor taste? What if it is a matter of pushing the envelope on something that Americans have held greatly because of what it represents?

You see, you and I can have poor taste at times also. Our decision making is altered sometimes by the flesh instead of the Spirit. We often say things that we should keep in, and hold in things that we should say. Some of us wear clothing that should never be worn hahaha. It's poor taste at times. All because we are actually eating from the wrong table. What if, because of your poor taste or decision, that people said, "I will never have anything to do with that person again!" There would be no communication on earth because we are ALL guilty.

Let me wrap up with this... I used to eat a Jack's steak biscuit for breakfast. I loved them. The way I liked them was with strawberry jelly and mustard on it. Some of you just said, "Eeeewwwww, Nasty!" But it was so good to me that I wanted my friends to enjoy it. I even once bought my friend a new biscuit because he tried it and hated it. I'll never forget the facial expression from him that morning. In the same manner, the joke that should be held it because it is poorly flavored by the flesh is poor taste. It puts a sour taste into the mouths of others. Listen, we ALL are guilty of doing this but that doesn't give us an excuse. We need to be as this clothing company and remove those things that are poor taste to others in our Christian lives.

Lord Help Me! You know the things on my shelf that I need to throw away. I love you Jesus for showing me this today.

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