Thursday, May 4, 2017

It Ain't You

Zechariah 4:6
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

From Dr. Phil to Oprah, we hear that the power to do or the power to change is inside of us. We are told that we need to love ourselves and find our strength within us. A "pick yourself up by the boot straps" ideology. But God's Word speaks a different message.

Zerubbabel was a man of God who helped Joshua rebuild the altar of the Lord and then began work on the Temple. He became governor and was a leader to look up to. One day God sent a messenger to speak unto him about things in his life. This angel said, "Look at this lampstand". Zerubbabel did and told him of everything he saw. He said that there was a lampstand that went up and branched out into seven lamps. Think about Zerubbabel seeing these lamps burning and wondering what in the world God was trying to tell him. Then God sent His Word. Did you notice that this Word from God was straight to Zerubbabel? God said, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit..."

Do you see it yet? In the image God shared with Zerubbabel there was a lampstand with seven lamps. These burning lamps were made of gold from the hands of man. They had wicks that were made and trimmed by the hands of man. Lastly they had oil inside of them that was poured by the instruments of men, but was made and given by God Almighty. Sure we plant the seed, water the ground, and pick the harvest. Sure we beat the olives until the oil pours from their brokenness. But the truth is and always will be, God is the one who has made and given the oil.

He was saying to Zerubbabel, "You are the wick that gives off my light, but I am the oil that supplies the flame". It's not our might, or our power, but the Holy Spirit of God who is inside of us that allows us to shine so brightly. Do me a favor this morning... Take the batteries out of the flashlight and let me know how bright it is. Take the oil from this lampstand and you will not have any light.

If you try to receive salvation without the Spirit you're just as dark and dim. If you try to do ministry on your own you will quit because it ain't in you, IT'S THROUGH YOU that He works. Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord!

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