Thursday, May 18, 2017

Did You Lose Your Wallet?

2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

I can remember getting my driver's licence when I turned sixteen. I had never carried a wallet around very much until this day. Oh, I had wallets in my time, but I always lost them. I could never seem to keep up with them because I was not used to having a wallet in my pocket. Most of the time I would put my money and licence in my front pocket because I knew that there was a potential losing my wallet.

You know it could have been because I never really had anything in those wallets as a kid. Mom would always put a dollar in there, but if there was ever any money in my wallet it didn't take me long to spend it. (right now my wife and parents are somewhere reading this shaking their heads yes) But when I received my driver's licence things seemed to change. Then as I grew older I got a checking account and a debit card was inserted into my wallet. More reason to not lose it. After I graduated high school I began to carry around my social security card. These were all valuable things placed in my wallet, but the ones that took priority in those days to be most prized possessions was my fishing licence and a picture of my girlfriend. If I lost my wallet I would lose all the valuable things that was inside. I had slowly placed things of importance into this wallet to where it became a valued possession to me.

God tells us this morning to "stand fast, and hold" onto the truths that we have been taught. When so many today are turning back on what the truth is, or what they have held so long as the truth, it's almost like we have lost or wallets with all of its contents. We can't drive because we have no licence. We can't vote because we have no identification. One of the biggest problems, we can't fish because we lost our licence in our wallets. Another great tragedy is that we can't prove that we have a girlfriend because we lost the picture of her and the love comments that were written on the back.

Can I encourage you today to stand fast! Hold on the the Word of God that you have been taught. Slowly over the years God has placed important doctrine and foundational truths into you through the Bible. No matter if anyone wants to hear it, believe it, or people decide not to stand fast in it... You hold on to your Bible as if it was your wallet because the truths in it are much more valuable than any old fishing licence.

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