Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Bad Connection

1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Don't you hate it when you are trying to talk on the cell phone and you are fully into a story when all of the sudden...click? Or worse than that, what about when you are listening and it sounds like the person who is talking is underwater? A bad connection or bad cell signal is the problem. It could be the mountains that are blocking the signal or just the fact that there aren't any cell towers near by. It really could be a host of things that are causing you not to carry on with your gossip, sorry I mean conversation.

The scriptures tell us this morning that in that same manner our prayers can be hindered. First of all the number one thing that will hinder our prayers is sin. The Bible tells us in other areas that if we hold sin in our heart that the Lord will not hear us. It also says that blessed is the man who confesses his sins and not covers them. If we aren't willing to seek and ask for forgiveness in our prayers to God then why would there be any need for continuing in prayer?

But look at what the scripture this morning points out. If we aren't right with our spouse our prayers will be hindered. What? You mean that our prayers are not getting through to God if we are at division with our spouses? Yep! Just as well as with your brother or sister also. Jesus once told them about a man who brought his gift (prayers, offering) unto the Lord and had ought or division with his brother. What did Jesus say? Leave your gift, go and reconcile with your brother and then come back and offer your gift.

Could it be that your prayers have been reduced to "moments of silence" in more ways than you know? How can we pray and talk to God who we have never seen and be at war with our brother, sister, or spouse that we have and do see? It could be that you have a bad connection. Seek every way possible today to get the line fixed. It starts with confession and always leads to forgiveness.

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