Thursday, March 16, 2017

It's a Bird. It's a Plane. No it's a Christian!

Galatians 6:15
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

In the early church days there was a competition between the circumcision and uncircumcision believers. The circumcised Jews were claiming to have a better walk with God because of the keeping of the law. While the uncircumcised Gentiles were standing in God's grace and mercy. Both seemed to go to the extreme of placing themselves into a greater position with God, when the truth of it all was that we all stand level at the foot of the cross.

God tells us that circumcision or uncircumcision doesn't make you a believer. Having this done or not is not the issue of being a believer. It is being a new creature. A new creation in Christ Jesus. Having old things pass away in your life and becoming new. Being different because of what Jesus has done in your life and true repentance taking place. A spiritual circumcision of the heart more so than the flesh.

Christianity is based on being different! You go from being lost to being saved, that is different. You go from blind to seeing, that is different. You go from wretched to born again, that is different. You move from sin to sanctification, that is different. Being different has nothing to do with being better than others. It's not how you are to others but the difference that is seen is before God. Changed! I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.

A problem among professing Christians today is that they declare they are different but in actions they aren't. Some still talk the same, live the same, sleep around the same, use alcohol/drugs the same, still act the same, still gossip the same... and wonder why they aren't making a difference in the lives of others with the Gospel. It's because you can't make a difference until you are different. Let me say that again, YOU CAN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE UNTIL YOU ARE DIFFERENT. You can tell me that you are Superman all day long, but until I see you flying through the sky with a cap flapping behind you... it makes no difference to me. You'll still just be Clark Kent with glasses and a suitcase. Some of us need to find a phone booth, or better yet, an altar. Be different. Be like Jesus.

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