Monday, February 27, 2017

Leaving It Up To Faith

Hebrews 11:1-2
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.

Have you ever heard someone say, "Leaving it up to fate"? What is fate? Fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Basically it is believing that things just happen and there is nothing you can do about it. Some people would say that fate brought them together. Or it was by fate that something happened to them. This could be okay for most, but for me I would rather leave it up to Faith instead of fate.

When I was twenty years old I remember beginning my prayers for the Lord to send me the one that He desired for me. For so long, I looked and looked myself. I would think, "This is the one" and find out that it wasn't. I would think about the way I would meet someone and would think that it was fate or destiny, right? Only to find that my fate would be false and my destiny would be destroyed. I can take you right now to the very place that I began seeking God for His direction in this area of my life. It was in the altar at Unity Baptist Church of Kimberly, AL. This was the first time that I had prayed about this and said, "Whatever you want, or whoever you send, I'll be faithful."

Well I don't have the time to tell you this morning what God did. I can write this though. The one I would have least expected, mainly because we didn't know each other very well. (Her fault, she didn't like me because I was a bad person in school) We found ourselves one Sunday afternoon sitting at the piano together singing, "Holy Ground". From that moment I knew! Patti Harp was the one for me. She would come and listen to me preach revivals in her softball uniform. We would lead worship together in churches and houses. Thank God for faith!

Fate took me down a road that often led to no where, but look what leaving things up to faith can do! I'm not an elder, but I have a good report.

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