Wednesday, January 11, 2017

What A Savior

Psalms 107:15
Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,
and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

"Touchdown!", is yelled from the announcer. Now the crowd is on their feet cheering at the top of their lungs. "What a play! What a run! What a pass!" While these plays are unfolding the analysts and writers are sharpening their pencils and editing their photos. The news of the winning team must be shared. 

Isn't it amazing the detail that goes into the writing of these praise articles? From their goal line that started the miracle drive, all the way down to the player who threw the touchdown pass. The linemen are praised. The backs are praised. The receivers are praised. The ones who called the plays in are praised. Why? Because it all worked out to the good. 

Flip the storyline around. Let everything fall apart and see what happens. The praise now turns to rage. See men are always ready to praise when things are good, but want to rage when things aren't so great. 

"Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness". What would your storyline say about how great God is? What would the headline read? Would you take the time this morning to praise Him? When you go to Him in prayer, after reading this, take the time to just praise Him. Tell Him how you adore Him. How you love Him. How you praise Him. Maybe you could take some time to write about the greatness of God. 

My headline would come from one of my favorite songs... Oh what a Savior, oh Hallelujah!

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