Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Don't Tell Me What You Are

Psalms 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

This morning as you head out for the day take the time to look around. Look at the trees, sky, birds, cows, chickens and all of God's creation. Take the time to look up into that beautiful blue sky or those rolling clouds filled with rain. Isn't God awesome? I think about being on the lake and seeing the beautiful and glistening water or the mountains seeing the rolling green grass and hills. God's creation is so amazing.  It all brings praise unto Him.

Everything that God touches He made into something beautiful and great. When I see those green trees I can't help but thank God for the shade. When I see the rivers, streams and lakes I can't help but thank God for water that satisfies my thirst (and fish, don't forget fish). When I see the mountains I can't help but thank God for their beauty.

Well what about you? You are a creation of God. Some of you are now a brand new, "born-again" child of God. Do you declare the workmanship of Christ? When people see you what do they thank God for? Some people would probably thank God when we are quiet or away, hahaha.

A tree has never had to speak to me and convince me of what it is. I can tell. I can tell the differences between trees also just by looking at them. Oaks are different. They have different bark and even different grain patterns in the wood. Pines are different from oaks. Each one has some similarities but all are different.

So, so many are trying tell people what they are. "I'm a Christian" they say but then act totally different. Let me ask you this... What if you couldn't talk, would people be able to tell that you are the handywork of God? Would they see the great salvation of our Lord in your life? Don't tell me what you are, show me. Better yet, don't show me, show others.

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