Monday, November 7, 2016

My Best Possession

Proverbs 16:8
Better is a little with righteousness
than great revenues without right.

A movie called "Far and Away" had a line in it that says, "Without land a man is nothing". When I heard that phrase it really sums up the way many American people feel.  The thought of possessions making people who they are is very present in society. The theory is... You must have houses, cars and an image to be something. This is why people live in shacks but drive a Mercedes. Some can't afford the power bill but have a satellite receiver on the side of the house. Priorities are so messed up nowadays. 

While the "position of possessions" is at an all time high, the priority for holiness is at it's all time low. While we want the latest and greatest thing, we daily sacrifice our respect for God and His Word. While we uphold our image to society we trash our testimony of Christ regularly. 

The scripture this morning teaches us that it is better to have little with righteousness than to have it all in sin. Years ago I bought an old soulful gospel tape. It had a group on there called, "Mighty Clouds of Joy". They sang a song called, "I Got One Thing You Can't Take Away". Oh my goodness!  When I heard this song I began to shout. The words of this song lead to a recitation. In it he told a story of a woman being evicted from her home. While they were placing her things outside the home she was holding on to a picture of Jesus. She was saying, "I got Jesus and you can't take Him away". 

Do you think you are who you are because you have things?  Do you think you are a man because of land? Or because you have cars, boats or possessions? The Word of God says, "No". It's better to have Christ than possessions. When you have Christ you will realize that all those other things are of no glory. Thank you Lord for showing us this morning what's better.

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