Monday, November 21, 2016

Having a Heart Attack

Luke 24:32
And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Tick... tick... tick... The minutes seem like hours and the seconds seem like years. Sunday after Sunday when the Word of God is read, spoken and preached it seems like an eternity to some. From bathroom trips because we suck down two pots of coffee each morning, to sleeping because we stayed up all night watching our ballgame or favorite television show. Church goers just look and act as if they have lost their desire for the Word of God. If music is played an immediate excitement builds. If dramas are performed an enthusiasm incomparable is felt. But when the Word of God is opened an instant debate is now in session.

One says, "He's too loud" while another says, "I can't hear him and it's just boring". Some say, "I can't follow along with his Bible" while the others say, "What time do you think we will be finished?" Where are the ones that will ask for more?

If I took you to a buffet bar right now you would go back for more. If your team made a spectacular play you would be screaming at the television... "Show that again, show the instant replay!" When your favorite song comes on your playlist you will hit repeat because it excites you. What about God's Word? Isn't there a burning within your heart when you hear it? Don't you hear the very voice of God when you read it? Do you realize what took place for years and years in order for you to have the Bible?

Let me ask you this... Where is your Bible? How many of you carry it with you to church anymore? How often to you read it? Do you spend more time watching television or reading the newspaper? I promise you that this is my last question...

Is there a wonder why we lack spiritual power and a realness of God in our churches and lives today? I'm afraid that we no longer have a heartburn for His Word, but rather we are suffering from a heart attack.

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