Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Box Seats

Luke 11:43
Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.

When I read the word Pharisee in the Bible I always think of someone who can "fairly see". The Pharisees were religious leaders who depended more on keeping laws and not a relationship with God. Keeping laws are important, but a right relationship is most important. Keeping laws can be done without a relationship. The rich ruler said that he kept the law from his youth up but he lacked a relationship. Having a relationship with Christ will not be without keeping His laws after you have fallen in love with Him. His word tells us, "If we love Him, we will keep His commandments". 

These Pharisees tried to keep the law but could only "fairly see" the true things of God. Jesus, the Son of God, was standing in front of them and they still couldn't see Him. They thought by placing people under the bondage of law, that they were fulfilling the word of God. They were actually imposing burdens upon these people. While they were placing the noose around the necks of others, they were filling themselves with pride. 

You see, the more they imposed laws, that they were attempting to keep but really couldn't, they were measuring themselves by those who didn't uphold the law. This caused them to look at people with arrogance. How easy is it to become this "fairly seeing" Pharisee?  It had become such a problem that they wanted the box seats in the church, and even felt like they deserved it. Shaking hands with those who would benefit their cause or wallet. 

Religion can be a destroyer of relationship. It can ruin and spoi  the person trying to walk in a relationship with Christ. It makes them compare themselves to those they walk beside instead of the one who walked before us. If you think this morning your salvation and right standing with Christ is because of what you do or where you sit let me tell you that you're wrong. You can only "fairly see" Jesus for who He really is. 

Drop the pride and lay aside the arrogance this morning. Put away the lawish religion and walk in the liberty and righteousness of Jesus right now. Get up out of your box seats and fall on your knees in humility. You'll find a relationship that will last through all eternity. 

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