Friday, September 2, 2016

I'm Not A Hypocrite!

Job 27:8
For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained,
when God taketh away his soul?

A few years ago, my son Jacob was going through a stage of wrapping his ankles and arms up with bandages. We would come home from work or school and he would have his ankle wrapped up with an ace bandage. Some evenings it would be his forearm or elbow. When we would ask him what happened he would say, "Nothing, it's just hurting". I would just laugh and call him my little hypochondriac. 

One evening we came home and he went straight to the room and wrapped his knee. I just smiled at him, his mother looked at me and rolled her eyes, and his brother started laughing out loud. Then Jacob looked at us and said, "I'm not a hypocrite!"  To which I busted out laughing as well as everyone in the house. 

Isn't it funny that we act a certain way and we don't want people to call us out on it?  Although he was young and didn't understand, he showed me a great lesson. We sometimes act certain ways and then hope for some reason our words are louder than our actions. 

 What is the definition of a hypocrite? Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which ones own behavior does not conform. In simple terms, one who says they follow Christ with their mouths but deny it in their actions. What are the benefits of a hypocrite? Earthly benefits could be many because they change in ever situation like the chameleon. Heavenly benefits are not found at all. What hope is found in hypocrisy? None!  

Maybe you're like Jacob, you spend most of your time telling everyone that you're not a hypocrite. Spending much time trying to convince people that you're not a hypocrite, only to have your actions speak much louder than your words. 

If we are of Christ, let us live as Christ. 

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