Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wow, I Was Way Off!

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

Have you ever noticed that things are sometimes different than they appear?  The other day my wife and I were shopping for some furniture. We were making our rounds to the usual stores. Every place we went there were people with cardboard signs that read, "Girl Scout Cookies". I hung my head every time and passed by, because I don't need a cookie. After the first store we began to see a pattern. These girls were everywhere. Wow! Every store we pulled up at there they were. Waiting with their cute little faces. Trying to make me fatter. I said "No" so many times that I began to avoid going beside where they were. I didn't want a cookie and I didn't want to see another sign about do-si-do's! (which are out of this world good)

Finally, as I felt freedom from these small saleswomen guess what happened?  We pulled into the last shopping store parking lot and there... they... were. Four people with signs!  I looked at my wife, and she looked at me. We both, at the same time said, "Girl Scout Cookies!"  My eyes rolled, and my expression probably said it all. As we got closer to these folks the sign begins to get clearer. Believe it or not, it wasn't the scouts. I said, "What does that sign say?"  My wife replied, "It says Can We Pray For You?" I said, "NO WAY! REALLY?" Because of what I had seen all day long I jumped to a conclusion that it must be the same thing.  God really taught me a great lesson in that. I was way off. 

You see we are so very quick to categorize and classify people or things. When one preacher ruins it by their actions (or signs they hold up) all others are now judged by the signs they have already seen. Look at what we miss sometimes because we assume what people are. We guess at what they are selling. How can this be fixed?  Let's make sure of one thing! That our signs point to Jesus. Let's hold up the banner of our Lord!

Maybe this devotion has touched you in the area of how you view others, which is awesome. But maybe God is speaking to you about what you are trying to sell people. What would your sign say?  Either way, let Him speak to you. Love you all. 

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