Friday, August 26, 2016

Taking a "Selfie" with Sin

Proverbs 6:27-28
Can a man take fire in his bosom,
and his clothes not be burned?
Can one go upon hot coals,
and his feet not be burned?

We live in the days of social media, selfies and instagrams. People are obsessed with taking pictures of themselves. It used to be that we would take pictures of our family and friends but now we also must be in the pictures. And the craziest thing now is to take your "selfie" in the strangest places. With snakes, sharks, alligators, hanging off of cliffs, and bathrooms of all places? (Not that the bathroom is dangerous, but it's disgusting)

While driving the bus this morning, we were all discussing the possibility of upcoming severe weather. Some asked if we would get out early.  Some had that look of concern on their faces. Some said nothing, but listened to the others. But then some spoke up and said, "Hopefully no one will be dumb enough to stay and film it, or take pictures of it. Maybe they will be safe". When I heard this, it hit me. Many will seek shelter and be safe, but how many are out there that will want the photos, videos and "selfies" with the tornado?  Knowing how dangerous this things could be and how they don't have a designated path. The destruction could be at any moment and very severe. In this same manner, people (everyday) are on social media taking "selfies" with the very things that are destroying their lives. 

In these days of self indulgence and sin, it is so prevalent that people have become numb to seeing it. Even in our television shows, we are continually indoctrinated with sin so much that we can't even recognize it. An old preacher by the name of Vance Havner said, "We are getting used to the dark". Christians are not to have fellowship with darkness because we are children of the light. We are not to fellowship with sin because we have been delivered from sin and the fellowship of sin. 

Can you take fire into your bosom and not be burned? Can you walk upon hot coals and your feet not be burned?  Absolutely not. Flee (Run) from evil! Don't take time to get a "selfie" with your sin... Run from it today and run to Jesus!

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