Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Call it in the Air

James 1:19-20
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

If I were to walk up to a group of people with a quarter in my hand, and say these words from our title, everyone would most likely give an answer. Some of them would quickly say, "Heads" while others call for "Tails". Isn't it funny that we do this without any thought process?  Isn't it funny how we are so quick with what we think we know it will be?

Well, how many times have we done the same thing with people and their lives. Seems like we are always trying to pick which side the coin, or story, will land on. Seems like many times we are right, but sometimes we are wrong. We've even gotten so good at this that we think we have it down to a science. I can remember guys I went to school with walking around during second period with a pocket full of quarters that they had won by playing "odd or even". They thought they had this game figured out. By sixth period, their pockets were much lighter. All because the call in the air was wrong. 

This morning our scripture teaches us to be quick, or swift, to hear (listen), Slow to speak, and slow to wrath. How many times have we made some of the biggest mistakes in our lives because we called it in the air?  By obeying God's Word, we will allow the righteousness of God to work. 

Lord, the next time I hear a story, let me be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. Help remind me that there are two sides on the coin turning in the air before me. Let me NEVER call it in the air, but may I trust and depend upon you and let it land where it may. 

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