Friday, July 1, 2016

My "Good Thing"

Matthew 19:16
And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

A rich young man once came to Jesus. "What good THING shall I DO, that I may have eternal life?" he asked. Maybe Jesus could have told him to go feed and clothe the poor. He could have commanded him to wash or baptize himself in a certain spot of water. He could have told him to read his scrolls, pay his tithes and attend the synagogue daily. But Jesus chose to tell him to sell all that he had, give it to the poor and to come follow Him.

Is this the "good THING" that we all have to do to inherit eternal life? No. There is no "good THING" that we could do. This young rich man's mind was set on doing more or accomplishing more in order to have more. He was deceived into thinking that there could be one task or a "good THING" to do. Christ is the "good THING"! Eternal life is through belief in and a life surrendered to Him.

So why did Jesus tell him to sell all that had, give it to the poor and come follow Him? Because through believing in Jesus we must surrender our lives to Him. We must deny what our "good THING" is and know that it's Him. He knew that this young rich man loved what He had more that what He was asking for. If we love our sin, which is separating us from God, more than we love Jesus and His payment for our sins then eternal life with Him will not be. Our God is not against riches. It is by Him that we are blessed. He is against that which keeps us from Him. He loves us so much that He sent His Son to die so that we could have access to Him and eternal life with Him.

Do you think that there is a "good THING" you are doing that is giving you or keeping you in His salvation? You're wrong. You could never preach enough, sing enough, serve enough or give enough to be saved. There is no "good THING" in us. The "good THING" was given to us and it is salvation through this man named Jesus!

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