Wednesday, July 23, 2014

That's When You Have It All

John 6:68
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

Jesus had just asked the disciples if they would leave also like the others. Peter answers with, "Where can we go?"  It wasn't that Peter couldn't have found something to do or didn't have a place to call home. We know that he was a fisherman by trade and that he had family. He could have resorted back to the lifestyle he knew before Jesus (which is what he did after the crucifixion when he thought Jesus was gone)

Something had happened to Peter to change his views. He had been with Jesus. He witnessed the love and affection of the Savior. He saw the miracles take place in the lives of his family and friends. He saw a man that could deal with, and heal his mother-in-law. Jesus had become everything to Peter. He knew that there couldn't be anything, or anyone greater than Him. 

When Jesus asked Peter if he would go away also, it hit him. I imagine Peter thought, "I have nothing greater than you".  Peter realized that although he had possessions and even a home to return to, what would that be without Jesus? Right there in that moment, Peter saw his need for Jesus. Although Peter at times stuck his big foot in his mouth, every since the day that Jesus stepped into his life he never wanted Him to leave. 

You know what?  When you have realized that Jesus is the only thing you have. When He is the only one who has the words of life. When Satan tells you that all you have is Jesus... That's when you come to realize... YOU'VE GOT IT ALL!  I'm a poor rich man in Jesus! 

What would be your answer if Jesus asked if you would go away also?

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