Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dead Man Walking...

Romans 6:7-8
For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

Doesn't it seem crazy to quote that movie phrase?  It seems crazy to even think a dead man could walk right. Well we know that, in the movie, he was speaking about someone who was headed to their death. Our scripture says that we are dead men and women walking. Not walking in our fleshly dead bodies, but rather dead to sin and walking in Christ Jesus.

How can someone be both dead and alive? Our death to the old man, or old lifestyle of sin, is dead through the salvation of Jesus. We cannot continue in dead works or a dead lifestyle of sin. If we have died to that person then we are now alive unto Jesus. When we are dead, we are freed from sin. In other words it should not be our leader anymore.

Aren't you glad the scripture doesn't end at the beginning of that scripture?  If it stopped there then our only hope of victory over sin would be when we died and ceased to live in these bodies. God has given us victory over sin and the sinful life. "Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him:" If Christ has saved you, He will also satisfy and sanctify you. He will teach you how to live this new life in Him.

Oh, how I love being a Dead Man Walking. I was dead in my sins, but now I am alive walking in Christ.

Letter of Recomendation

Philippians 2:20-22 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are ...