Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Oldest Trick in the Book

Matthew 13:25
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Although we could share today on his cowardice, anger or his persistence I want to look at WHAT he did instead of how he did it. But before we look at that, you must know that satan is the enemy. He's the coward! He's the destroyer! He's the persistent enemy!  

Look at WHAT he did. He sowed tares which are weeds that resemble wheat when they are young in the growing process. They can be harmful to the actual wheat because it drains the wheat from nutrients. Isn't it just like satan to plant a photocopy with no fruit, and it's only purpose is to drain from us, into our field of work for the Lord? 

One of the things I've learned today is that I allow satan at times to deceive me. He uses the very things that God has given me, against me!  When God plants humbleness in my life, satan plants an attitude of failure. When God is trying to teach me to lean upon Him and be a humble man of God, here comes satan with is bow full of failure arrows. As God is molding me and wanting me to realize that I can do nothing without Him, satan is trying to convince me that I am a failure. God's lesson for me is not that I'm a failure, but that I am victorious. I am a winner, but only through Him. While satan's deception for me is that I am a failure because I can't do anything right. We all have felt that before. Paul once said that the things he wants to do and know that they are right, he doesn't do. And the things that he knows he shouldn't do because they are wrong, he ends up doing those things. Elijah felt like a failure when God was trying to teach him humility also. Jonah was another one. We all have fallen into this trap before. 

Don't allow satan, the greatest deceiver, fool you today. Listen to the Holy Ghost of God. Find the wheat and don't be fooled by a cheap photocopy. Don't let the enemy use the very thing God is teaching you, against you. 


Letter of Recomendation

Philippians 2:20-22 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are ...