Monday, June 23, 2014

Yield to the Right of His Way

2 Corinthians 5:7
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

How many of you actually yield at the yield signs?  Tell the one is going to give you a ticket of confession. How many times do we come to those signs and zoom right through? How many times have you seen people do this?  The proper action to take at a yield sign is to prepare for traffic, prepare for a possible stop, and yield to the oncoming traffic.

As we walk the life of a Christian, things and situations can become difficult at times. Answers may not come for days, months or even years. It can cause questions to arise in your mind... During these times God has called us to just be still and be faithful. Walking by faith is yielding to the will of God.  It's not always seeing what He is doing in our lives but it's yielding to Him. We must yield to His right way. We must even be prepared to stop set times. When we yield to God we find ourselves not relaxing in Christ but relying on Christ. 

When we walk by faith we are saying... God I yield myself to faith. I yield myself to You and Your will for my life. It's saying... I don't have to understand it all in order to trust in you!  I will walk by total faith! Help me to fix my eyes upon You Lord. 

Have you told Him that this morning?  Are you relying on your strength and wisdom?  Let Him take control. Place your faith in Him!  Walk by faith, and not how it looks or seems. All the signs are there...have you yielded?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Looking for Something to Do?

Maybe today you're thinking about what needs to be done. If you are anything like me, the list is multiple items long. It could be anything from washing the car to planning a funeral. The truth is we are all searching for something to do. Many have already made specific plans months or weeks ago to get a few things done. 

Well this morning I want to challenge you to add something to your checklist. It shouldn't add weight to your list, but help you get the things done that are already on your list. Please try and do ALL of them today. 

#1 - Be Kind...Tenderhearted...Forgiving
           Ephesians 4:32
              And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,   
              even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

#2 - Be Compassionate...
          1 Peter 3:8
              Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love     
              as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

#3 - Be Still...
          Psalms 46:10
              Be still, and know that I am God:
              I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

#4 - Be Strong...
          Ephesians 6:10
             Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his     

#5 - Be Quiet...
          1 Thessalonians 4:11
             And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to 
             work with your own hands, as we commanded you;

In doing this list, it needs to be put into action and not a certain order. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Best Friend

Matthew 26:50
And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.

As I think on this scripture this morning it makes me humble. So many times I have looked at Judas as a horrible Benedict Arnold. He betrayed Jesus!  Not only did he betray Jesus, but he did it with a kiss. He actually kissed the face of God with evil in his heart. We know what happened with Judas also. He hanged himself. 

But what makes me humble and broken about this message is the fact of how Jesus greeted him. Jesus knew why Judas had come!  He knew who it was that would betray him. He told them in great detail at the supper so that Judas was revealed. Jesus knew when he was walking toward him with his lips drawn together and before they touched his face why Judas was there. But look at what He said to him..."Friend, wherefore art thou come?"  Oh, the message in this today!

Jesus knowing who Judas was, greeted him with the term friend. How can this be? God hates sin! But God LOVES the sinner much more!  Even though Judas never repented of his sins and took his own life, because scripture says he repented of himself and not to God, that doesn't mean he didn't have an opportunity. He had a friend, His name is Jesus.

Through all my failures and sin, Jesus has remained my friend. Although I've not been the greatest friend to Him, He's always been my best friend.  No matter what you've done, you can have a friendship with Jesus. Is He your best friend?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Legend of Faith

Luke 17:5
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.

In the 1980's a video game system came out called Nintendo. I remember when my buddy up the road got the first system. There was such hype about it. We would stay up all night long playing games like Super Mario Brothers, Excitebike, and others. But I remember one game very well. It was called, "The Legend of Zelda". It was a fantasy game where you had to rescue the princess. This was, and still is, my favorite game of all. 

In this game you could build your weaponry and strength. You had to fight different levels with different bosses at the end of each level. At some levels you couldn't even open the doors to get to the bosses unless you had reached a certain status in your arsenal. I can remember having to buy arrows, potions, and food. I remember mostly having to build your shield strength by purchasing a greater shield. But if you fought a certain enemy it could actually eat your shield and you would have to save more money to purchase the bigger one again. I had to do this so many times!  Grrrrr!

Well as I read today's scripture it takes me back to that little television, playing that crazy game. So many times I allow the enemy to attack my faith. At times even trying to swallow it up. But I'm so glad I don't have to save up for a greater shield. The payment for my faith has already been paid!  I don't pay up, but I pray up!  

Dear Jesus, please increase my shield of faith. When the enemy tries to devour me, remind me that he must go through you. When he tries to steal my faith, remind me that it's your blood that paid for it. I know perfectly that it's not a game when dealing with faith, but thank you Lord for teaching me lessons in the smallest things. I love you!

Letter of Recomendation

Philippians 2:20-22 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are ...